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Thread of Throughts

I have been thinking about having a blog for about a good fifteen minutes now, and contemporary to every girl in the world with a best friend, I shared my desire to have my own creative medium to express my thoughts with her, seven minutes into the initiation of the idea, and on the eighth minute it was accepted, and thus, we both have been non-legally bonded for seven full minutes and are hereby starting our own blog.

The usual ‘I am Lira… and I am Athena. And we are… the Hessenheffers’ introduction doesn't quite suit us, partly because we are not Hessenheffers, and partly because she has no idea where the quote is from, and hence I have been banned from using that as our introduction in this blog.  Yes, I agree, she did not have a childhood. But, oh well, I wouldn’t have a best friend if it wasn’t for her, so I guess we are equal. As I said, we are not legally bonded for this blog, and neither were we legally bonded in the last seven years. So it completely beats me, as to why she hasn’t run away yet.

And that, my dear friends (please allow me to address you as that; I don’t have many), is how it was decided that we would conceptualize a blog together. I admit I made the first step, but she said yes. Beats me again on why she agreed, but I was clearly benefiting so I didn’t give it much thought. It was something like a marriage, except we weren’t at the altar, we weren’t dressed up, our parents weren’t there to bless us (I know, very rude of them), and it was done over a phone call. Not to mention, highly unromantic business. Okay, now that I am actually typing this out, I have second thoughts whether this qualifies for a comparison with “marriage”. Instead, I think the best way to describe this decision should be: “The worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever." ~D.J.T.

Now, you might ask me, “So why are two of you making a blog together? Are you incapable of making content on your own, or is she?”
To that question, I would only like to ask, how dare you? No one… and I mean, no one dares to question her abilities; she is the most talented, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, sane person I have ever met in my entire life, who also has an amazing choice in friends, if I may say so. Me, on the other hand, you can most definitely doubt. I am the front wheel of this cycle, and Athena is the back wheel: her ideas and inputs provide the much-needed balance to my ramble, or better expressed as, my Thread of Thoughts. I mean, of course, I could have been a unicycle, but where’s the fun in that?

 Now that I have explained the background motive behind starting this blog, I would like to humbly request you to not kill either of us for any of the thoughts presented here. Kindly refrain from any and all activities that might harm either of us, including, but not limited to, hunting us down, shooting us in the head with an AK 47, hiring a sniper especially for us, or telling our parents. You, on the other hand, are free to slam your forehead against the keyboard, throw your laptop to the ground, or pull out all the hair from your head. As long as it doesn’t harm us, I am fine with it. Although, on second thought, I have addressed you as my ‘friend’ before, or to be more specific, my ‘dear friend’, and therefore, any harm that you cause to yourself on reading of this blog, might not be entirely welcome either.

With that established, let us get down to actually introducing the second (maybe the better) half of this partnership. I shall be using a black ink, whereas Athena will be using a bright blue color, that she called dibs on. They look like this, and I am very sorry from the bottom of my heart that you had to read her babble for so long.

Lira has, what I assume, taken the title of our blog very literally. Next time onwards, if you want, you can simply scroll and find the parts in blue. You are welcome: I might just be saving you from the catastrophe that accompanies reading whatever her writing classifies as. Now that Lira has given her exaggerated and highly unrequired views (more of a nonsensical ramble paralleling her thread of thoughts) on the origin of the blog, I would like to impart my highly-required, intellectual, panoramic perspectives.

I was quite clear on the idea of expressing myself, but I just wasn’t sure on the route. I tried conversing with people, but I soon realised and registered the fact, that they usually turn a blind ear to knowledge and philosophy (not that I consider myself as either of those adjectives, but there isn’t a rule against self praise so, why not?) . Yes, I agree that I am being honest, so much so that it is turning to be brutal, but anyone who disagrees to this will get an earful from me. Now of course, real life isn’t twitter. So, one cannot go about expressing opinions on the streets, so in defense of everyone who has ever ignored her, it’s completely justified. But, in this life, I have pledged my support to her, and hence, ‘How dare you ignore her opinions? Now see, how you are punishing the rest of the universe, as she has decided to express them through a blog'. I completely agree with Lira and you all will too, when you realise how dreadful and appalling of a writer I am.

I’ve never considered myself a wordsmith and hence, didn’t consider writing as a viable route.  The only times I pulled out a pen and a paper, was to hesitantly pen down a forced article, or an essay, or a story, or a poem, as a part of a completely useless assignment for school. The mentioned nouns in the asyndeton all had the same face-value for me: a boring piece of literature, which will be graded on the word-count, instead of the content.

With time, I have come to terms with the fact that I simply can’t write. I have never understood the purpose of using fashionable vocabulary, when you can resort to using layman’s english to communicate. The very purpose of writing is to communicate, so why complicate the purpose? I know William Shakespeare is probably going to have a hard time comprehending this, but in my defense, I had a hard time comprehending his work too!

So, the question that arises, is why I agreed to the blog, and that too in 8 minutes as asserted by Lira? You have to take my word for it, but it definitely felt longer than 8 minutes. However, that was probably because my mind took a trip down memory lane, bringing up previous embarrassing instances of my failed attempts at writing.  I agreed, because I felt a compelling need to express myself, the need being stronger than my fear itself. I have managed to convince myself of this, but what my mind still grapples with is why I have consented to have this blog with Lira. Because you love me, and I proposed, and it was my initiative, and you need me to edit, and you write all serious-serious stuff, and everyone needs a bit of Lira in their life, and you love me… did I mention that already? Dearest readers, now the innuendo of my cycle comparison will be relatable for you, as my polysyndeton was balanced by her previous asyndeton.
Clearly, she has a very exasperating addiction of interrupting others, regardless of time, place and conversation. (I was told this was my point of view, but evidently she doesn’t understand that). But, I agreed and here we are now; writing our hearts and souls out to whoever wishes to listen or read.

That, Lira’s dear friends, is us. We are two lives, one soul. Two expressions, one impression. Two people, one goal. We are two polar opposites, but when the hearts are united, divide and rule doesn’t work. And we don’t always disagree, for example, I agree that this is “The worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever." But you never know; if Muhammad Bin Tughlaq could be famous for his stupidity, why not us?

So, here is from us to you, Thread of Thoughts!


  1. You guys are some savage friends with some deep thoughts( oh guys haven't started any deep thoughts yet..but I can already feel it from miles away��)
    Wanna explore my thoughts with u too!!
    PS I find Athena Intresting�� sorry Liraa!!

    1. Thank you Enchanter!! Hope you have liked our work so far!

    2. Ouch!
      P.S. I find Athena more interesting too ;) Glad to be on the same page as our readers

  2. If Muhammad Bin Tughlaq could be famous for his stupidity, why not us? - My favourite phrase!


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